Friday, February 19, 2010

Sleigh Riding Accidents <3 Survey =)?

<3 Survey =)? - sleigh riding accidents

1. Were you ever been searched by the police?
2. Close your eyes on roller coasters?
3. When was the last time I was on a sled?
4. Do you have a mole in an unusual place?
5. Do you believe in ghosts?
6. What is the 'dirtiest little secret? "
7. Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie?
8. Have you ever betrayed a test?
9. If you have a vehicle in the middle of the night, and no .. They go through red lights?
10.Do you a secret no one knows more than you?
11.How often do you remember your dreams?
12.Wenn you laugh the last time you crying?
13.Do you believe in love at first sight?
14.Have you ever avoided a fatal accident?
15.Have you ever Been Caught Stealing?
16.Have you ever been beaten in the face?
17.When is the last time you screamed at the top of the lungs?
18. It was the investigation of pleasure?


Mrs. Crosby 87! said...

1. Yes, a school for the review of weapons in the past year ... after a bomb threat

2. No way! Roller coaster will have chance to enjoy!

3. A week before Christmas, when I at the Christmas party of the country

4. I have a birthmark on her back that looks like Texas!

5. No, but I believe in aliens. There must be something else there but us. Whether you are looking for us and flew over our heads ... I doubt it!

6. I cheated on my history test today! What ... I never had bad things to do coughcough * *

7. Angelina Jolie, because my hair exactally like his.

8. HA! Irony! All the time! I have just today in history ... Yesterday, in the English language ... Last Thursday, French and Algebra 2 ..... What? I must hold myA line, somehow!

9. Of couse ... but nobody can do anything!

10. Yeah ... I hate it that my boy choir, Nathan, I think, although he loves me and everyone thinks that I love too. I never had sex with him and never will, immature people!

11. Very often, but not something that Joggs until the day of remembrance. And then I remember everything.

12. Yesterday, when I won a bet against Tom. He said that Hillary won 3 States, and told them everything. So I won! Of course, we laughed at him.
And the day before my friend was a math worksheet that you want to answer stupid questions for the answer to a stupid joke. The joke was on the paper ... "When Ray Floob committed suicide ..." I thoughtIt was terrible that he was on suicide, and even more fun was the name of the type.

13. Of course! When I saw Sidney Crosby ... awww .... Love at first sight. I'm sure it happens all the time;)

14. When I was 4 years old, I was in a car accident on the way back from Hershey Park, the car caught fire and he did so well made. I slept the whole thing!

15. No, but was captured after they defeated. It was an eye-liner, who has been target of $ 15. My mother, however, you can keep.

16. Yes, playing basketball with the school jerk. I won and decided to mock him. It marks my face (his name is Jared) and the displacement of a bone in his nose. So I have a hump in the middle of the nose.

17. When my grandmother jumped out of the mCloset, and when he fled the shower. It was a week ago. I almost died! But it was fun.

18. Yes, thank you! I loved and now I'm going to cheat on the tests .... lol ....................

eli said...

I like Doritos

Kissie said...

1. No
2. Yes
3. December
4. The small black dot, eh? One on his back and shoulder blade barely audible above the eyebrow
5. No
6. For me to know and learn never wanted to
7. Angelina Jolie
8. Yes
9. No
10. No
11. Uncommon
12. A week ago
13. Yes
14. Yes
15. No
16. No
17. A few months ago
18. Sure

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